Established 1834 Horspath Trading Centre, Pony Road, Oxford OX4 2RD | Tel: 01865 747654 | Email:  
Malby's Bookbinders Maltby's Bookbinders


Maltby’s sister company, Green Street Bindery, is also located at the same address. Our clients usually supply printed sections; alternatively we can advise you on getting them produced. We bind these into hardback books with printed paper cases or cloth, imitation leather or leather covers, either with or without jackets. Foil blocking on any combination of front, back and spine is available in gold, silver or several other colours plus we also do blind embossing. Gilt or coloured edges are also produced.

Publishers or printers to publishers are regular clients of Green Street Bindery for the case binding of novels, textbooks, reference books, etc. We also produce books written by individuals for a limited circulation or books on the history or activities of a club or organization.

Green Street Bindery also offers a free advisory service. If you wish to produce a book and are not sure how to go about it, give Green Street a call on: + (44) (0) 1865 747459

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